Salt & Light Women’s Ministry comes from Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:13 and 14:

 “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.”


Our women’s ministry is built to help commune with, teach, encourage, and heal the women at South Rock and the surrounding community in fun and engaging ways.  We have S&L Nights at various times throughout the year, weekly Bible Studies, book clubs and more.  We hope that you make it a part of your schedule to join the ladies at SRCC for these events and for life together.


Women's Morning Bible Study

Jan 7 - Feb 18 | 9:00am - 11:00am


Many of us spend our lives chasing happy through relationships, success and the next adventure.  Yet, we only discover a dryness in our souls.  Why?  Because we are chasing the wrong kind of happiness.  We chase temporary happiness instead of the eternal happiness found in Jesus.

Happiness is ours when we chase God's joy, His purpose, His contentment and His peace.    Happiness is captured when we chase Him.

We will be studying the Book of Philippians starting on January 7 from 9:00- 11:00 am in the Underground meeting room.  For 7 weeks we will look at what this book can teach us on chasing Jesus for our Happiness.  The books will be $14 and will be available at the first meeting time.  Child Care will be available with a reservation to Sandy at sandyp@southrock.cc  If you have any questions contact Sue Hunt at suehunt721@gmail.com or 316-258-1534

Note:  On January 7 we will have brunch together and do a service project for Upward Basketball.  So bring a brunch item to share and we will enjoy some fellowship time and complete the project.




Various nights throughout the year


The ladies of SRCC gather for fun and fellowship each month through a variety of activities.  Whether it's bingo, crafts, prayer night, guest speakers, or discussions the Salt and Light ministry loves to have a great time and grow together in Jesus!  Want in on the fun?  Check out the events page of our website for the next gathering!


Various Dates


Outside of regular meeting times and studies, we love to have special events like IF:Gathering, Christmas get togethers, and Missions nights!  These are special times with other ladies to really grow deeper in relationship with Jesus through the word and honest discussions.