Kids Day In Update
We have offered this ministry to our church families and the community for 10 years and we have been so very blessed by all of the little kids and all of our wonderful families.
Our church leadership and staff have made the decision to no longer offer this ministry and there are many reasons for this change to happen. We have been so very blessed by an extremely faithful staff over the years but it is also a very difficult program to staff and has become more challenging lately. We are also expanding our preschool ministry and adding another classroom so we are shifting our resources somewhat and are excited to see even more blessings, growth,and opportunities to serve our children and community.
In our Kids Day In mission statement/purpose it states that our prayer was to create fun and encouraging experiences for the little kids to learn about God’s love for them and to develop some of their earliest social relationships. Seeing God answer that prayer and His work throughout this ministry has truly been a blessing to not only myself but the staff as well. For 10 years our Wednesdays have been filled with laughter, singing, dancing, little friendships, crying, hugging, nap times, diaper changes, potty training and the list goes on. Thank you to those that were able to be a part of this ministry and for sharing your little blessings with us!
We would love for you and your family to check out our preschool ministry. You can find more information about it here: southrock.cc/lkrpreschool
Please feel free to email Rebecca Erickson at srcclittlekidsrock@gmail.com if you would like to schedule a tour of the classrooms or with any questions that you may have.